Green Consumer - choices for the entire family (DVD)
Featuring Grassroots' own Rob Grand in his feature film debut!
As consumers we make choices everyday: choices that can have far-reaching consequences for our personal health and health of our planet. In this comprehensive and informative DVD, environmentalist and educator, Rob Grand offers the green perspective on many of these issues, showing us the alternative options and the impact of different choices. From personal care products to the food; from appliances to furnishings, clothing and more. Learn about eco-friendly choices that you can implement in your own home. From cleaning supplies and make-up to diapers and baby care products, switching to natural is healthy for you, your family and the environment. Learn how to read labels in a meaningful way and improve or replace harmful products in your home. With special sections on baby care products and ways to involve your children in going green, this DVD is a wonderful resource for the family that wants to reduce their ecological footprint and live a healthier, greener life!
DVD Includes:
- Hundreds of tips to choosing green products
- Healthy choices for baby food and clothing
- Tips to cut energy use & costs
- Organic & local food choices
- Personal care products & makeup
- Summaries & tips on printable PDF
From: The Green Living Series
Duration: 1 hour