Online Have a question about purchasing online? Give us a call, toll free at 1-888-633-5833 x202 (Mon-Fri 9-5 EST) or send us an email to: [email protected] Store Grassroots is located in downtown Toronto, Canada. Click here for our store address. To e-mail our Store Manager: [email protected]. Media For media related inquiries please contact Rob Grand at 416-466-2841 x206 or send an email to [email protected].

The Grassroots Team We have a great team at Grassroots who are willing to help with anything you may need. We look forward to hearing from you!
Miriam Millar Purchaser Phone: 416.466.2841 x204 Email: [email protected]

*If you are a current supplier or contacting us with new product suggestions, please contact Miriam, and see forms below.

PLEASE NOTE: due to the amount of enquiries, we can't respond to all entries. Only selected applicants will be contacted.

For new suppliers: please fill out this form. For new products: please fill out this form.

Rob Grand Owner Phone: 416.466.2841 x206 Email: [email protected]